Saturday, June 9, 2012

Friends on the move... Are we not all also on the move?

Imi writes...

It is a great pleasure for Howard and I to meet as old friends again – a great pleasure to reconnect, a great pleasure to venture on a new expedition again. Very different is the pleasure from the one we shared in the Yukon last year. Then we were strangers, somewhat unsure and yet hopeful we could be friends.

For all the pleasure at us meeting, there has also been much preparation, planning and postponement of wishes. (Notice all the ‘P’s)  We have been busy planning the trip, Howard has been busy executing the plan, and we have postponed for the time being the pleasures and joys on intimate conversations and of solving all the problems that plagues humanity.

But hey, are we not all deep in our own worlds, preparing, planning and postponing our wishes? We  huff and we puff, we groan and we moan, and toil our lives away, so that one fine day we will see our wishes fulfilled?  Yeah, one fine day, we will smile and be really happy! Never has mankind developed so many means to fulfil human desires. But never have humans had so little leisure.

But for me and Howard, planning, preparation and postponement of wishes will come to end soon. Yeah, we will really start living from tomorrow...  Hopefully...!

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